Following our recent visit to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, we were pleasantly surprised to see so many of the plants we are selling at our Crews Hill Plant Centre this year, planted within the stunning Chelsea Show Gardens giving us lots of summer planting ideas!

Chris Beardshaw’s Furzey Garden was one of our favourites as it is similar to the style we aspire to in our own woodland garden, including Japanese Acers, Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Magnolia Grandiflora, Silver Birch, Nothofagus Antarctica and Gunnera Manicata to name a few. This garden was packed full of summer planting ideas from foliage to flowering shrubs to structure.

Furzey Garden

Chris Beardshaw’s Furzey Garden was one of our favourites

Even though Diarmiud Gavin’s The Westland Magical Garden was more theatrical than show garden, the scaffold pyramid had fabulous bushy climbing jasmine Trachelospernum Jasminoides covering the base and the ground cover beneath included massive Lazulu grasses and Hosta. And in the background, thick black stemmed bamboo – Phyllostachys Nigra.

Warland Flemon’s ripple pool at the centre of The World Vision Garden was encircled by giant Tree Ferns including one of our favourite architectural plants Dicksonia Antarctica Tree Ferns. The RBC Blue Water Garden featured Multi Stemmed Flowering Cherry Prunus Serrula with brilliantly polished stems. Also the Wollemi Pine and Tree Fern in The Plant Explorers Garden were great features.

Summer Planting Ideas - Hardy Tree Ferns

Warland Flemon’s ripple pool encircled by giant Tree Ferns including Dicksonia Antarctica

Tree Ferns Wollemi Pine

The Plant Explorers Garden featuring Tree Ferns & Pines

Pittosporum tobira nana framed the pathway to Joe Swift’s teenage Cancer Trust Garden beneath striking cedar wood frames. The Arthritis Research Garden by Thomas Hoblyn had a wide selection of amazing Mediterranean plants such as Cypresses Sempervirens, Santolina, Osmanthus, Pittosporum Tobira and Pittosporum Tom Thumb.

Summer Planting Ideas - Tuscan Cypress

The Arthritis Research Garden had a wide selection of Mediterranean plants such as Cypresses Sempervirens, Santolina, Osmanthus.

We have just picked out a few of the many wonderful plants from Chelsea Show which we know are very popular this year and are not only stylish trends for this year but we hope for many more years to come.