Cornus Kousa Teutonia Chinese Dogwood
Small Ornamental Tree with Showy White Bracts
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Pot size: 20 Litres
Plant ID: 12573 2
click to view this plant size >Cornus Kousa Teutonia is an RHS AGM-winning deciduous flowering dogwood with veined leaves that turn red in autumn and large white flower bracts in spring. It’s a beautiful ornamental tree for low maintenance gardens.
Cornus Kousa is a Chinese dogwood that’s native to Korea, China, and Japan. They have two seasons of high-impact interest. In spring, lightly veined pointed leaves emerge from strong branches. They mature to deep ovate green and when autumn approaches turn vivid shades of red and purple before falling with the frost.
In mid-summer, after the new foliage has unfurled, Chinese Dogwood Teutonia produces a stunning flower display. Many tiny clusters of white flowers appear and are surrounded by large 8-centimetre long protective white bracts. As they mature, the bracts turn mottled pink and the white flower heads develop into edible strawberry-like fruits.
This is a low-maintenance ornamental tree for small gardens and informal borders. It’s a popular choice and holds the RHS AGM for its outstanding attributes.
Height And Spread of Cornus Kousa Teutonia
Cornus Kousa Teutonia is a small, bushy tree that reaches a maximum height of 8 metres and spreads over 4 metres in 10-20 years.
How Hardy Is Cornus Kousa Teutonia
It’s a hardy dogwood capable of withstanding cold and wet UK winters if its roots are well drained and it gets plenty of sun in the summer months.
How To Use Cornus Kousa Teutonia
Chinese Dogwood Teutonia is a small tree suitable for compact gardens and urban spaces. Its architectural branches and changing colours bring plenty of spring to late autumn interest.
Its love of full sun makes it a good choice for city courtyards and sunny informal borders in country gardens where birds clean up the fruits in autumn – unless you eat them first.
If you only have room for one tree then Chinese Dogwood Teutonia is a reliable, hardy choice. It’s both ornamental and fruit-producing and gives a lot for little maintenance.
How To Care For Cornus Kousa Teutonia
This dogwood tree likes full sun but will cope with light shade. Well-drained neutral to acidic soil is best on loam, clay or sandy sites in a sheltered location.
Pruning isn’t necessary, but you can cut out damaged branches in winter. Add a thick layer of well-rotted organic mulch to the roots in early spring for the best flower display, and water it well until you can see new growth.