Fargesia Murielae Dino Bamboo
Dense non-invasive Bamboo Variety
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Pot size: 20 Litres
Hedge Guide: 3 Plants/Mtr
Plant ID: 12717 12
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Fargesia Murielae Dino is a new variety of non-invasive evergreen bamboo. It’s one of the tallest of the non-invasive varieties and ideal for hedging and evergreen screening because its foliage is so dense.
Bamboo is native to the Far East, South America, Australia and the Himalayas. The word bamboo derives from the Malay word Mambu and it’s the tallest member of the grass family. The variety Fargesia Murielae Dino is a fairly new to the market variety bred in Denmark to be extra tall and it’s certainly the tallest of the murielae bamboos. It has very dense bright green foliage that grows approximately 20-30 centimetres a year with ornamental tips that overhang like an umbrella.
It’s an ideal low-maintenance screen and because its roots don’t run, there’s no need to worry about it taking over the garden.
Height And Spread of Fargesia Murielae Dino
This is a very tall evergreen bamboo that can reach a height of four to five metres and spread one to two metres.
How Hardy Is Fargesia Murielae Dino
Bamboo is hardy in the UK if it has well-drained soil and full to partial sun. It can tolerate exposed areas, but cold drying winds can damage the foliage. Pests and disease are rarely a problem.
How To Use Fargesia Murielae Dino
Bamboo Dino suits mixed borders in wildlife-friendly gardens, low-maintenance spaces, urban courtyards and anywhere that would benefit from a natural screen such as against a fenceline to gain height or surrounding a sunny balcony or seating area. As well as creating privacy, Bamboo Dino also creates shade, so it’s a good choice near children’s play areas or spaces where pets spend time. Of course, bamboo is always popular in Japanese-style gardens, but it also suits sensory gardens and prairie spaces where it fills the air with movement and sound.
You can grow Bamboo Dino in a large well-watered and fed container, but be sure to weigh it down because its height can cause it to topple over in strong winds.
How to Care For Fargesia Murielae Dino
Bamboo is easy to grow and needs little attention once it’s established.
Choose a spot in full sun or partial shade for the healthiest foliage. Bamboo Dino tolerates the majority of soil types except waterlogged spots and copes with strong winds although harsh freezing winds may burn its stems.
Pruning is not required and you can remove damaged stems or foliage at any point. Cover the roots in a thick layer of well-rotted organic matter and water it well in dry spells. Be sure to weigh down containers of bamboo to avoid toppling, especially in hot or windy weather that dries soil out quickly.