Magnolia Red as Red
Ornamental Tree with Goblet Shaped Red-Purple Flowers
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Pot size: 20 Litres
Plant ID: 12629 12
click to view this plant size >Magnolia Red as Red is a magnificent deciduous flowering magnolia with red-purple blooms in spring and summer. It’s a stunning specimen tree or large bush for a mixed border display.
Magnolias are native to Southern China and the Southern United States. They are an ancient species of flowering plant and their remains are found in the fossil record dating back 100 million years. Magnolias once bloomed alongside dinosaurs, but the cultivar Magnolia Red as Red was bred more recently in New Zealand by Ian Baldick who crossed Magnolia ‘Pickard’s Ruby’ with Magnolia ‘Vulcan’.
This is a spectacular magnolia and a must for lovers of colour. It has a neat compact habit with strong upright branches and typical glossy green oval foliage that emerges after its stunning April to May flower display. Its goblet-shaped deep red flowers bloom on branch tips and last for weeks in a sheltered spot, often spot-blooming during summer. This cultivar flowers at an early age, so you won’t be waiting years for a display.
This is a particularly spectacular magnolia and a must for lovers of colour.
Height And Spread of Magnolia Red as Red
After 10-20 years Magnolia Red as Red reaches a maximum height and spread of 5 metres.
How Hardy Is Magnolia Red as Red
It’s a hardy tree down to minus temperatures, but it needs a sheltered frost-free sunny spot and well-drained roots to thrive. Buds may require protection from late frosts.
How To Use Magnolia Red as Red
Magnolia Red as Red is a spectacular specimen tree that’s compact enough for urban courtyards, the lawn, borders, and large well-watered and fed containers on a patio. It brings a vivid hit of colour as the season is starting up. Its blooms are a real focal point and its glossy foliage is attractive throughout the summer.
How To Care For Magnolia Red as Red
Magnolias need neutral to acidic soil and will struggle to thrive in alkaline conditions. Choose a sunny and sheltered spot that’s protected from strong winds and frosts. A late frost can damage its flower buds and ruin its display, so if late frosts are forecast, cover the whole shrub in horticultural fleece.
Pruning isn’t required and will ruin its naturally compact and upright shape. Apply a thick layer of bracken or pine mulch to its roots in late winter or early spring and water it well until you see new growth.
Container grown Magnolia Red as Red will need acidic compost and plenty of slow-release magnolia fertiliser to flower well. Be sure to prop the container on feet to promote good drainage.