Spiraea Japonica Goldflame
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Pot size: 3.5 Litres
Plant ID: 14674 114
click to view this plant size >Pot size: 3 Litres
Plant ID: 12551 C 1
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Spiraea Japonica Goldflame is a beautiful colourful deciduous shrub that adds colour and vibrancy to your border. Its pretty deep pink flowers in attractive clusters arrive in late spring / early summer. But it is thanks to its foliage that it owes its dramatic name - Goldflame. Each spring it produces bright lime green foliage. As the foliage matures over the summer, this changes to golden foliage before it loses its leaves in winter.
Spiraea Japonica Goldflame is a hardy shrub that bright and fresh in the flower border. It doesn’t take up too much room as the growth habit is naturally compact and it won’t grow taller than 1 metre. As such, it can be considered a low growing shrub.
Individual Spiraea Japonica Golden Flames placed together make a real impact in a wildlife or informal garden. Golden Flame’s flowers and bright foliage lasts from May to September, so it makes a bold, bright statement all summer long. It often holds onto its colour until the first frosts arrive.
Spiraea Japonica Goldflame will grow best in partial shade. To make the most of this Spiraea, prune it in early spring leaving a 10 -15 cm framework behind. This will encourage fresh new growth and maintain an attractive shape. Without pruning they tend to become straggly. Deadhead Goldflame after flowering to improve the appearance.
Most plants like a yearly application of mulch, and Spiraea Japonica Goldflame is no exception. Dig some compost or well rotted manure around its roots in early spring for optimum health and colours throughout the growing season.