Cercis Canadensis Eternal Flame Redbud
Redbud with Striking Foliage Colour
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Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 20 Litres
Plant ID: 13703 2
click to view this plant size >Cercis Canadensis Eternal Flame is a new variety of deciduous American Redbud that’s won the Chelsea Plant of Year award for its striking foliage. It’s a multi-stemmed shrub or small tree with red, orange, and yellow foliage and is a perfect tree for small gardens or for growing in plant containers.
Cercis Canadensis is the American Redbud that’s native to the United States and popular for its showy pink flowers. The new cultivar Cercis Canadensis Eternal Flame takes the parent plant’s beautiful heart-shaped leaves and adds extra autumnal colours to its repertoire.
Whereas American Redbud’s leaves are green before maturing to mellow yellow in autumn, Eternal Flame’s foliage emerges red, and matures to orange and yellow from early summer to autumn. Because its leaves mature at different rates, the tree is often coated in all three shades at one time. Dark pink flowers also appear directly on the stems of mature specimens.
Cercis Canadensis Eternal Flame is synonymous with Cercis canadensis Flame Thrower. If you need a colourful small tree this is a new and exciting variety.
Height and Spread of Cercis Canadensis Eternal Flame
American Redbud Eternal Flame can reach three metres by three metres over 20 years, so it’s suitable for gardens of any size.
How Hardy Is Cercis Canadensis Eternal Flame
Hardy enough to withstand our cold and wet UK winters, American Redbud Eternal Flame needs well-drained roots and plenty of sun to thrive.
How To Use Cercis Canadensis Eternal Flame
Its excellent colour and compact size make this shrub or small tree suitable for all gardens from urban townhouses to country cottage borders. It looks best as a multi-stemmed tree in a mixed border or as a stand-alone specimen on the lawn.
It’s compact enough to grow in a large well-watered and fed container to bring a big hit of colour to your balcony garden, deck, patio or front doorstep.
How To Care For Cercis Canadensis Eternal Flame
American Redbud Eternal Flame is easy to grow and care for. It likes a sunny to partially sunny position in well-drained soil of any type.
It looks its best with multiple leader stems, so pruning isn’t required. You can remove wayward branches and dead sections in early spring.
Water it well until new growth appears and apply a thick layer of organic mulch to its roots in spring. Container-grown Eternal Flame needs regular water and food through the growing months. Be sure to raise the container on feet for good drainage.