Magnolia Felix Jury
Very Large Deep Pink Flowers in Spring
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Pot size: 20 Litres
Plant ID: 12714 12
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Magnolia Felix Jury is a deciduous compact magnolia with large, numerous dark pink flowers in April. It’s a definite centre-piece ornamental tree for all-sized gardens.
Magnolias are some of the oldest flowering plants on the planet. They appear in the fossil record dating back 95 million years and once grew across the globe. Now, they only grow wild in the Far East and South America. Magnolias were discovered by Europeans in the 15th century and named after the explorer and botanist Pierre Magnol. The first recorded magnolia in Britain was purchased by the Bishop of London in 1687.
The cultivar Magnolia Felix Jury is part of the Jury series of magnolias bred by the award-winning Mark Jury of New Zealand and it’s synonymous with Magnolia Jurmag2. It’s a handsome, compact magnolia with dark glossy green foliage in late spring, but before any foliage emerges, Magnolia Felix blooms on bare branches and it’s the flowers that make this variety so special. Its flowers are dark rose pink, very large and produced in such abundance they cover the tree from a very early age.
This is a top-notch ornamental tree for compact spaces and lovers of magnolia blooms.
Height And Spread of Magnolia Felix Jury
Magnolia Felix is a small and compact magnolia that reaches approximately four metres tall and six metres wide.
How Hardy Is Magnolia Felix Jury
This is a hardy magnolia down to minus temperatures is its roots are well drained and it gets plenty of sunshine. Its buds may be affected by late frosts.
How To Use Magnolia Felix Jury
This is a beautiful centre-piece tree for ornamental borders or the centre of your lawn. Felix Jury is a fairly compact magnolia, so it will fit into the majority of garden sizes including a sheltered urban courtyard, a front garden, and large well-watered and fed plant containers on a sunny balcony. It suits a Japanese-style space too. This pretty flowering magnolia is a must if you love profuse blooms.
How To Care For Magnolia Felix Jury
Magnolias need fertile, neutral to acidic soil and full sun in a sheltered spot to flower well. Be sure to avoid frost pockets because late frosts can damage flower buds and prevent flowering.
Pruning isn’t required but crossed or wayward branches can be removed in late winter or early spring. Apply a thick layer of well-rotted acidic pine or bracken mulch in early spring and water it regularly until you see new growth.
Container-grown magnolias need regular magnolia-specific fertiliser in spring and summer. Raise the container up on feet for adequate drainage.