Clematis Warszawska Nike Purple Flowering
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Pot size: 2 Litres
Plant ID: 9037 C 1
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Clematis Warszawska Nike has lovely deep purple flowers. This is a large-flowering Clematis producing showy single flowers of up to 18cm in diametre. Like most clematis, it will flower from mid summer through to early autumn and is covered in profuse blooms. Clematis Warszawska Nike can be a great companion plant to trachelospernum jasminoides. AGM recipient from the RHS.
The mid-green leaves appear in the spring, staying on the twining stalks through to autumn. The simple foliage provides an ideal backdrop for the striking, dark purple blossoms. The flowers unfold in summer, in rich, deep shades of violet, and adorn this climber well into autumn months. Clematis Warszawska Nike is fully hardy in the United Kingdom and performs well even in areas where winter temperatures drop to 20 degrees below zero. This cultivar is not affected by any serious diseases or pests, and it’s easy to grow. This compact, deciduous free-flowering climber can grow to be up to 2.5 metres high and up to 1.5 metres wide, and it’s suitable for container growing as well. The Clematis Warszawska Nike variety prefers moist but well-drained soil, and will thrive in both full sun and dappled shade.
Remember Clematis are woodland climbers and so try to re-create this type of habitat. They prefer open sunny positions and will reach for the sun and love to have plenty of space to climb and sprawl. They prefer if you can shade the roots from strong sun - just like in a woodland setting.
The stunning purple flowers add drama to any garden. The lush and abundant blossoms of Clematis Warszawska Nike are best appreciated when this cultivar is trained against a sunny wall, arbour or a trellis. Plant it in a large pot for an eye-catching patio or balcony plant. You might also be interested in our assortment of climbing plants, such as Jasmine and Wisteria varieties.