Plant Health
Plant Feeds & Fertilisers, Soil Conditioners
For plants to thrive in your garden, you have to make sure that the growing conditions are optimal. This includes quality soil, routine fertilising and feeding, as well as pest and disease control. And that goes for all plants, whether evergreen or deciduous, flowering or not, grown in pots or in garden beds. Our selection of plant health products here at Paramount Plants and Gardens includes everything you need to make sure your plants are happy and healthy.
For a stronger root system, healthier foliage, and more abundant flowering and fruiting, take a look at our collection of Plant Feeds & Fertilisers. From slow-release to quick-acting feeds and fertiliser options for everything from shrubs to pot-grown flowers, you will easily find the right match for your plants.
If the soil in your garden is nutrient-depleted, has the wrong pH levels, or is heavily compacted, then Soil Conditioners are the way to go. The products we offer are made from natural ingredients and will enrich sandy and clay soils, and improve water retention and fertiliser uptake of any type of soil.
When it comes to plant diseases, box blight is one of the most common and most persistent fungal diseases. Our Buxus Treatment products are those we have personally used on our box hedges and have had great results. TopBuxus includes both preventative and curative treatments.