Acer Palmatum Jerre Schwartz Japanese Maple
Dwarf Japanese Maple with Red Foliage
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Plant shape: Freshly Potted
Pot size: 9 Litres
Plant ID: 12946 C 42
click to view this plant size >LIMITED STOCK only 4 available
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Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 9 Litres
Plant ID: 12150 W 42
click to view this plant size >LIMITED STOCK only 9 available
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Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 14 Litres
Plant ID: 14330 WC 114
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 20 Litres
Plant ID: 14698 2
click to view this plant size >Acer Palmatum Jerre Schwartz is a dwarf deciduous shrub with bright red spring to autumn colour. It suits small gardens and plant containers.
Acer Palmatum are better known as Japanese Maples. They are native to Japan and include many cultivars. Japanese Maple Jerre Schwartz is an excellent little shrub. It originated from a witches broom found by the plant breeder Bill Schwartz in Pennsylvania and named after his mother.
This is a deciduous shrub, so its foliage appears in spring on bright red leaf stalks. It has small lobed leaves with 5-7 fingers that are deeply serrated with a pointed tip. The new leaves arrive pinky-red and gradually mature to red-purple and green over summer. In autumn its maple heritage shines through turning the leaves bright shades of red and scarlet before they fall.
Height And Spread Acer Palmatum Jerre Schwartz
Witches Broom is a mutation that causes many dense branches to appear – this makes Jerre Schwartz a bushy, dense shrub that only reaches a maximum of 1.5 metres and slightly less in spread.
How Hardy Is Acer Palmatum Jerre Schwartz
Japanese Maple Jerre Schwartz is a hardy shrub down to freezing temperatures if the roots are well-drained. Pests are rarely a problem.
How To Use Acer Palmatum Jerre Schwartz
This is an excellent choice for small gardens and containers because it has an upright growth habit and doesn’t get too large. It especially suits Japanese theme gardens and rockeries near water.
Its dense bushy branches covered with pinky-red to scarlet shades is eye-catching in a mixed border with other foliage plants, or as a stand-alone specimen in a container on the deck or balcony.
Good autumnal interest and its hardy nature make this shrub an excellent low maintenance purchase for country-style and urban gardens or for balconies that need a jolt of fiery colour.
How To Care For Acer Palmatum Jerre Schwartz
Acer Palmatum Jerre Schwartz likes well-drained acid to neutral soil in full sun or partial shade. A sheltered position is best to avoid wind scorch on the foliage and retain the autumnal leaves for as long as possible. Next to a fence or a wall is ideal.
Pruning is not necessary but wait until the dormant winter months before removing any damaged or crossed branches. Remove lower branches if your aim is to turn it into a small tree.
Water well and apply a thick layer of mulch to the base each spring. Container-grown specimens will need regular water and food over the warmer months.