Garden Designers shares tips and expertise.

Creating a green oasis and softening the boundaries by Myles Challis

Though you may not always be conscious of it, one of the main features which makes a garden particularly appealing is its surroundings. By this I mean the neighbouring houses and buildings being screened from view by strategic perimeter planting. […]

2021-05-13T16:49:49+01:00By Paramount Plants|Garden Designers Column|

Exploiting the “Heat Island” Effect in our plant choices and creating gardens PART 2 – by Myles Challis

The warmer temperature, especially at night, in large towns and cities opens up a huge range of exciting plants that could not be risked in more rural areas.  These are plants that would more normally be seen in the mild western gardens of say Cornwall or the Gulf Stream. For [...]

2022-11-27T16:42:03+00:00By Paramount Plants|Garden Designers Column|
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