Stately and graceful, there is something so very majestic about tree ferns, one of the most ancient species of flora on the planet.
Dicksonia Antarctica tree ferns, which originated in Australia, is one of our bestselling specimens. Luckily for us here in the UK, Dicksonia Antarctica (or Tasmanian Tree Fern) is a frost-hardy tree fern that grows very well in our British climate.
From the outset, Ferns and Tree Ferns have been a particular speciality at Paramount Plants. Dicksonia Antarctica, like most tree ferns is extremely slow-growing, and we have had many requests from customers looking to source more mature specimens that will make an instant architectural contribution to the garden. For this reason, we always have Dicksonia Antarctica tree ferns in stock in a wide range of sizes. In fact, we have 8 sizes of Dicksonia Antarctica available – the smallest is 30 cm tall while the largest and most mature specimen is a massive 3.4 metres tall. So if you are looking for a mature Dicksonia Antarctica, we can help.

Garden Architecture: Take Tree Ferns + add garden sculpture = match made in heaven!
Caring for your Tree Fern:
To keep your tree fern in top condition as well as encouraging new foliage and root growth, feed regularly with tree fern feed throughout the summer, starting around May. While they should withstand frosts, it’s always best to give them extra protection during the winter months – we have lots of easy to follow tips on our earlier blog on Caring for your Dicksonia Antarctica Tree Fern. Its well worth taking a few minutes to read through.