It’s not that our customers don’t like their neighbours necessarily it’s just that we all want privacy in our own homes and particularly in our gardens. Read on to learn more about the best evergreen screening plants available for your outside space!

Privacy hedging – specialist nursery
Gardens are a sanctuary from our very busy lives and we really don’t want the neighbours being able to look directly over the fence on the occasions we can finally get into our back yards! Here at our large specimen plant centre in Enfield, North London we find that neighbour disputes are a common problem with which we assist customers on a daily basis.
At Paramount Plants and Gardens we specialise in a variety of trees and shrubs which are suitable as screening either to form a neat boundary hedge or a tall evergreen screen above the fence line.
Neighbour disputes such as placing a trampoline right next to the fence, a light shining from the neighbour’s garden into yours, or the noisy or nosey neighbour can often be easily remedied with our screening plants being installed. This can be done in a variety of ways, for example as a hedge, as one or more tall trees growing above the fence (full standard trees) or climbers such as Jasmine, Pyracantha or Ivy covering an ugly wall or fence.
Our most popular screening trees and shrubs for privacy include Bamboo plants, Photinia Red Robin as shrubs or trees, Laurels such as Prunus Laurocerasus or Prunus Lusitanica for hedging, Ligustrum Trees and Shrubs, Leylandii for hedging, Evergreen Oak as Trees or Shrubs, Holly varieties such as Ilex Aquifolium or Ilex Cornuta for hedging, Magnolia Grandiflora Full Standard or Specimen Trees, and Eriobotrya Trees. As lower growing hedges which can be neatly clipped, we sell Buxus Sempervirens – the common Box and Yew varieties such as Taxus Baccata and Taxus Baccata Fastigiata Aurea (Irish Yew). These evergreen screening trees and shrubs are used either to form a dense hedge either bushy from the ground upwards or as full standard trees (which have a clear stem but are bushy above the fence line).
Delivery of any of these plants can be arranged via the Paramount Plants Web Site.
We also have a landscaping team who can assist with planting if needed.
Please call with any enquiries you may have or email [email protected]
If you would like to email a couple of photos of the area in your garden you would like to screen we are happy to give further free advice.