Acer Palmatum Black Lace Japanese Maple
Small Tree with Dark Red Foliage
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Plant shape: Freshly Potted
Pot size: 9 Litres
Plant ID: 10865 C 42
click to view this plant size >LIMITED STOCK only 3 available
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Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 9 Litres
Plant ID: 12543 C 42
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Acer Palmatum Black Lace is a deciduous slow-growing Japanese Maple tree with distinctive dark red-purple foliage. It suits sheltered borders.
Japanese Maples are native to Japan but there are many cultivars bred across the globe. Acer Palmatum Black Lace is one of the darkest shades of red you can buy. The leaves are deeply divided and lance-shaped – almost feather-like in appearance. They emerge dark red-purple in spring alongside tiny green flowers that mature into dark green winged seed pods. The foliage remains dark red-purple over the summer months with a bronze tinge and as with the majority of Japaense Acers, autumn brings about a bright flush of colour. Black Lace turns blood red before falling with the frosts to reveal ornamental reddish-brown stems.
Japanese Acer Black Lace is an especially dark acer with finely lobed leaves that creates lots of texture. It’s an excellent choice for plant containers and sheltered gardens or courtyards.
Height And Spread of Acer Palmatum Black Lace
Black Lace is upright and bushy in growth. It stays small reaching only 3 metres in height and spread over 10-20 years.
How Hardy Is Acer Palmatum Black Lace
If the roots are well-drained Japanese Maple Black Lace can withstand minus temperatures. It prefers a sheltered spot in partial shade as sun and wind can scorch the leaves.
How To Use Acer Palmatum Black Lace
The dark leaves of this acer make it the perfect foil for brighter foliage shrubs such as Acer Orange Dream or Acer Summer Gold in a leafy, low-maintenance garden.
It suits low-maintenance sheltered country-style borders, rock gardens, a Japanese garden, or a stand-alone specimen in an urban courtyard or balcony where it brings subtle spring to autumn colour and lots of texture.
Acers are an excellent way to bring lots of autumnal colour to your garden after the summer’s flower displays are spent.
How To Care for Acer Palmatum Black Lace
Japanese Maple Black Lace is easy to grow. Choose a well-drained fertile spot in a sheltered position and it will thrive with the best leaf colour emerging in partial shade. It’s not fussy about soil pH but does like plenty of nutrients, so add mulch in spring and again during autumn to prevent the roots from drying out.
Regular pruning is not needed and may ruin Japanese acers but you can cut away crossed or damaged branches in the dormant season.
Water well until established and ensure that container-grown acers are watered and fed throughout the hot or dry months.