Camellia Japonica Shiragiku / Purity
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Camellia Japonica Shiragiku
This beautiful variety of Camellia is also known as Camellia Japonica Purity, these startlingly white blooms are displayed on one of the oldest recorded varieties of Camellia. First written notes mentioning this Camellia occur as early as the 17th Century and this large double flowered variety has been known by various names since.
These days it is recognised as Shiragiku or Purity. The dense and lush dark green foliage is a stunning contrast to the rose shaped white flowers that emerge in Springtime.
Camellia Japonica Shiragiku flowers best in shade or semi-shade and should be in a sheltered spot, it doesn't like cold winds or late frosts. Although relatively slow growing it will attain a height of 3m with a spread of 2m when fully grown, if you want to grow it in a smaller space it's no problem to keep it pruned to size - NB: don't prune before flowering, directly afterwards is best, otherwise you may inadvertently prune the flower buds.
Shiragiku will thrive in acid soil and if you are planting directly into the ground - do use a good amount of Ericaceous soil around the roots and mulch well. A yearly top up of a slow release Camellia food is all that's required to keep these shrubs flourishing. This is a wonderful specimen to have at the entrance as they do grow well in containers, again be mindful to use Ericaceous soil for planting in pots.